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Ergonomic Architecture for Command & Control Centers

Ergonomic Architecture for the Petrochemical Industry

"Recent Project"

HomeAbout CRDSpace Planning & DesignLighting DesignErgonomicsServicesPhilosophyClientsProject - Ecopetrol/ReficarProject - ValeroRecent Project - Dominion PowerProject - Aramco/SATORPProjects - GLNGProject - HonamProject - BapcoProject - SPRCF.A.Q.Contact

Reficar/Ecopetrol:  Cartagena Refinery 


Working in collaboration Reficar management in Cartagena, CRD's control room design and
console arrangement was rendered by Evans (CRD's preferred console supplier). This overall
'birds-eye' view illustrates the console groupings and circulation space around each sector.


CRD prepared numerous layouts for both the first and second (administation) floors of the building.


CRD also supported Ecopetrol's design efforts for the Barrancabermeja control room (below):

From the Client: 

"Mr. Spranger would be an excellent addition to any team
working on the development of a control center." 


From the Client:  

"Mr. Spranger was instrumental in helping us with the planning and ergonomic layout

of Ecopetrol's new central control room in Barrancabermeja, Colombia.  CRD developed

functional console groupings, traffic flow improvements and console detailing based upon

interviews with our team and his considerable experience with other successful control rooms.

That experience proved invaluable to our project team."  

